![Martins Bank 1928+](11-08-70%20Scarborough%20South%20Cliff_files/image008.jpg)
Bank’s association with the town of Scarborough begins in 1936 with the
opening of a branch in rather grand premises at 96 Westborough. Twelve years later a sub-Branch at South
Cliff opens, in this curious little building that looks more like the
entrance to a set of Art Deco public toilets than a bank. When Barclays and Martins are merged in
1969, Barclays already has a number of Branches in Scarborough, so South
Cliff Branch is closed and the business transferred to Barclays’ own
South Cliff Branch in 1970. When Martins Bank Magazine visits South Cliff
early in 1969, it finds that this little branch is looked upon as being less
busy than the main branch, but still with its own frustrations, especially
for one member of the staff who is celebrating his twenty-first birthday…
![Sep 1.jpg](11-08-70%20Scarborough%20South%20Cliff_files/image001.jpg)
![1969 02 MBM.jpg](11-08-70%20Scarborough%20South%20Cliff_files/image010.jpg)
In Service: 2 February
1948 until 13 March 1970
![1960 s Scarborough South Cliff ext BGA Ref 30-2568](11-08-70%20Scarborough%20South%20Cliff_files/image014.jpg)
Images © Barclays Ref 0030-2568
![Sep 1.jpg](11-08-70%20Scarborough%20South%20Cliff_files/image002.jpg)
![1960 s Scarborough South Cliff int BGA Ref 30-2568.jpg](11-08-70%20Scarborough%20South%20Cliff_files/image016.jpg)
The South Cliff branch, in the residential area that grew up
behind the spa, does not suffer so much from the extremes of pressure as
Westborough. Nevertheless it has its share of frustrations which keep Bob
Tattersall (right) and Mike Stewart (left) fully occupied. Bob, a Lancastrian
from Nelson, is local secretary of the Institute of Bankers and treasurer of Scarborough
Sea Cadets. Mike, combined cashier and National 1-60 operator, was in
nail-biting mood, having to celebrate the eve of his 21st birthday by taking
a part II exam. He
is an avid reader and likes books with an historical slant, loves motoring
when he can lay his hands on a car, and bemoans the loss of Scarborough's
bowling alley.
![Sep 1.jpg](11-08-70%20Scarborough%20South%20Cliff_files/image001.jpg)
may well be divided when we look at this “then and now” comparison of Scarborough’s
South Cliff Branch. Some may well prefer today’s “Salon de Beauté” (how VERY Scarborough) whilst others
might be reminded that this is one of several Martins Branches that look as
if they double up as a public toilet.
You decide, we could not possibly comment… Our thanks to Mike Ingham for the
contemporary view of Angie’s Beauty Salon…
![1960 s Scarborough South Cliff EXT Main BGA Ref 30-2568](11-08-70%20Scarborough%20South%20Cliff_files/image019.jpg)
Image © Barclays Ref 0030-2568
![2015 Oct Scarborough South Cliff CU - Mike Ingham MBA](11-08-70%20Scarborough%20South%20Cliff_files/image021.jpg)
Image © Martins Bank Archive Collections -
Mike Ingham October 2015